A feature film by Ragnhild Ekner
Park benches, lawns, subways, backpacks, spray cans, barbed wire, asphalt and beer.
We owned the parks and alleyways of Stockholm . Graffiti unified a great bunch of windswept existences.
But then came the children, the prison, the career, the overdose, the psychiatric clinic and death, and we dispersed.
Jussi’s mother tells about her son.
I talk about Jussi, me and my son.
Jussi tells about the longing for freedom and a world possible to live in.
“The Traffic lights turn blue tomorrow” is based on my friend Jussi’s suicide.
An essay dealing with the struggle to become adults.
The film also portrays the generation that lived on the edge of society during the early 2000s, the time that was a springboard to adulthood for me and led to the death of Jussi.
“This world is not for me.” Jussi wrote in his last sms. Who is this world for?
Rent/buy on Vimeo On Demand. English subtitles.