
a film by David Aronowitsch

In March 2016, over 10,000 people were trapped in a camp outside the small Greek border village of Idomeni. The border had been closed to all people fleeing. Nadia and Nawaf had one objective, to get to Germany, to where their eldest son already arrived. They stayed with their six other children in several different camps in Greece. Yasir’s wife was an ISIS-prisoner. And many in Yasir’s family had been brutally killed by ISIS when they attacked the Yazidis in Iraq. Filmmaker David Aronowitsch has previously done, among other things the documentary I Am Dublin and the animated short documentaries Hidden, Slaves and Sharaf. The film’s cinematographer is Pia Lehto who both work with documentaries and fiction. 

The documentary film Idomeni depicts the children and adults’ parallel lives in the various camps, the seemingly quiet moments along the way to a new life.

Production facts:

Year of production: 2020
Format: HD/16:9
Running time: 90 min
Language: Kurmanji
Director: David Aronowitsch
Cinematographer: Pia Lehto
Research and Translation: Amina Khalil
First Assistant Director: Ahmed Abdullahi
Second Assistant Director: Sharmarke Binyusuf
Editors: Andreas Jonsson Hay, David Aronowitsch
Sound Designer: Claes Lundberg
Dramaturge: Göran Olsson
Graphic Design: Malmsten Hellberg
Translation and Research: Siawash Goudarzi
Grading: Peter Magnusson
Additional Camera: Philip Henze, Julian Vogel, Camilla Skagerström, Samir Nawaf Badal, Nicolas Economou, Dominik Moos, Nikolas Giakoumidis
Sound/Serbia: Elin Lilleman Eriksson
Production Coordinators: Symela Touchtidou/Greece, Goran Lefkov/North Macedonia, Ulrike Stumpp/Germany, Aljosa Milenkovic/Serbia
Translators: Kovan Direj, Abed Loutfi, Riad Khalil, Mazloum Omar, Murad Abu Eisheh
Associate Producer. Melissa Lindgren
Accountants: Marcela Sánchez, Helena Carlsson
International Sales: First Hand Films/ Esther van Messel, Gitte Hansen
International Festivals: Sara Rüster, Josefina Mothander/ The Swedish Film Institute
In Co-Production with: Film i Väst/Jenny Luukkonenz, Ami Ekström
Made with support from: The Swedish Film Institute/ Klara Grunning, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Film Stockholm/Filmbasen/ Ivana Lalovic
In Collaboration with:  SVT/ Axel Arnö
Producer: Tobias Janson
Production Company: Story AB

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