The Danish film The Distant Barking of Dogs by Simon Lereng Wilmont, co-produced by Story, won the award at the IDFA awards gala on Wednesday evening.
The Distant Barking of Dogs is set in Eastern Ukraine on the frontline of the war. The film follows the life of 10-year-old Ukrainian boy Oleg throughout a year, witnessing the gradual erosion of his innocence beneath the pressures of war.
The IDFA Jury’s motivation: Vulnerable lives of mesmerizing characters in the fringes of a warzone. We were at a place most of us would never go, unless the filmmaker invited us there. Natural scenes communicate a heartwarming bond between grandmother and her grandsons. Moments that the characters take us to were trusted and unfolded. The craftsmanship came together in this film, it is not an easy task.
The Distant Barking of Dogs is a co-production between Final Cut For Real (Denmark), Mouka Filmi (Finland) and Story (Sweden)
December 14, 2017