The Village of Roses

A film by Hanna Heilborn

Right-wing extremism is growing in Europe and a school bus stops picking up children from a suburb in southern Milan. The documentary film “The Village of Roses” shows how a seemingly small event is connected to larger political movements, by following the every-day life of one family. The film gradually reveals the widespread oppression of the Roma minority in Europe and the consequences of hateful media rhetoric. This through the life of one Italian, Roma family in combination with TV archives and telephone conversations, between the director and her friend Dijana Pavlovic, Roma activist and actress.

Production facts:
Director: Hanna Heilborn
Producer: Elin Kamlert
Executive producer: Tobias Janson
Line Producer Italy: Francesca Riccardi, Start
Editor: Dominika Daubenbüchel SFK, Nils Eidvall
DoP: Stefania Vialetto, Stephanie Blanchard
Sound Design. Claes Lundberg
Composer: József Balázs
Graphic Deisgn: Louis Kocmick
In co-production with Kamlert Film, Film Stockholm, Film i Skåne
With support from: The Swedish Film Institute, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Filmbasen & BoostHbg.
In collaboration with Movimento Kethane
Consulted by Tehara Media & Magasin DIKKO

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